The next morning offered perfect conditions for reaching up the cannels. We started early and managed to average over seven knots the first hours. It was clouded but warm in the offshore wind.

We sailed close to the islands in the east and had calm waters. Some gusts from the higher mountains boosting our speed and even one strong enough to make us broach. Nothing really dangerous and weak compared to what we experience along the high costs of the Mediterranean.

The wind was slowly dying as the sun burnt away the clouds. Nice and warm for us but nor good for sailing. We managed to maintain reasonable speed for another hour or so using our largest sail, the gennaker. We were back to motoring the second half of the day.

We moored to the pontoon in Rorvik (Rörvik). A bit noisy from traffic during the day and some swell from the boats in the harbour but, the night was calm and quiet.

Generalising, one can say that there are three winds in Norway, following wind, headwind and no wind. With the following wind the tactic would be to sail, the longer the better. No wind offers a choice of two strategies, you can either stay put and wait for following wind or motor. We have chosen the latter most of the time.
The head wind offers three strategies; (apart from sailing the other way which makes it a following wind) staying put, tacking upwind or motoring. We have not to any extent encountered this wind until now. Today however, it has been northerlies up to 30 knots (15 m/s). We opted for staying put.
The coast between where we are now and Lofoten can have prolonged periods of rather strong northerlies, often in connection with good weather. This may force you to motor to get to your destination in reasonable time. The advice is then to motor in the evening when the wind dies down. This is not a problem as the days are long and it is light until well after midnight already in middle of May and soon all night long. The sun set at 11 pm today.

Rorvik has a lot of shops, and not only cloths and tourist stuff, conveniently close to the marina. We made two tours and found everything wanted on our lists.

Took a longer walk to the south side of town in the afternoon.