The forecast was for light easterlies as we left Storfosna so we hoisted and unfurled our Code 0. Nice reaching but, the morning breeze was stronger than expected and we soon made the same 7 knots with the genoa instead. The wind died abruptly after about two hours leaving us motoring for the rest of the day.

The Kjeungskjær Lighthouse occupies the entire rock.

We went into Lysoysundet to take diesel. It turned out to be a very good place to refuel. It was too early to stop for the day so we motored up to Stokksund and under the bridge.

Kuringenvagen (Kuringvågen) marina lies just enough of the fairway in Stokksund to be protected from the traffic as well as most winds. It has excellent pontoons and nice facilities. We decided to stay an extra day to do laundry and fix some small things on the boat in the very nice and warm weather.

The day was also very calm with hardly any wind whereas the following day promised a nice SE breeze to propel us further up the coast.

We have now sailed a little more than 800 nautical miles since leaving our home port a month ago. As you may see, we are about as far north as Umea (Umeå) in Sweden.