The rain during the night and a bit into the morning left us with colder air and a V to NV wind. We continued from Kristiansund inside some island in a very nice channel before we had to enter the rather boring ”Tronheimsleja”.

We headed N after rounding the smaller island SE of Smola (Smöla). Bridges to low for our mast prevented us from sailing inside them. We have found that many bridges in this area are 16 m. This is too low for us with our 19.5 m mast even on low tide.
The archipelago changes character once again. Here, many of the islands are low laying and the smaller islands reminds us of Bohuslan.

The wind was now on our nose and strong with the swell from the Atlantic growing. We sailed with a reef in the main and just a few degrees lower than close hulled. Sally performed excellently, she sailed high and dry with good speed.
Again, a too low bridge (18 or possibly 16 m, it is not clearly marked on the chars but friends had to turn around, reporting 18 m in 2016) over the sound at Stromsoya blocked the protected channel. It forced us to sail another hour in the open sea before we could bear of and sail to Kvenvaer on Hitra for the night.

Next morning started with motoring through the nice cannels NW and N of Hitra against an ice-cold NE wind for about three hours. We could start sailing once in more open waters NE of Hitra.

A few tacks and then we could bear of SE to Storfosna. By now the sun was out in force and gradually thawed our frozen bodies. Vagen (Vågen) on Storfosna is known since Viking days. They used the big bay, almost totally surrounded by land, to hide their ships. It is a perfect anchorage protected from all winds and offering several alternative anchorages around the bay.

It also has a small marina at the northern end. We felt that only the pontoon end closest to the pier offered enough depth for us. The inner one, suggested in the harbour guide, should be approached with care. We measured 2.3 m just outside when the tide was not fully out.

The day ended with summer weather and a nice walk on the island.

Hello friends, nice and interesting reading and meeting Eva’s relatives must be a big moment.
Hugs from Ewa and Anders, forced by weather to stay in Varberg for some days.