First sail

We have visited Sally regularly and preferably in good weather during the winter. We try to run the engine for 20-30 minutes at least every second week to keep it in shape. She has fared well and without problems in her berth. So far, very little ice.

We have also taken walks in the nice surroundings and there have been restaurants open serving excellent lunches. We have really enjoyed our weekend trips to the boat.

Now finally, it was time to go sailing. Hakans shoulder is slowly getting stronger and more flexible. But it will take a few more moths before it is fit for sailing. Luckily, we have friends to help us.

This weekend we put on the sails with their help and took a short shake-down sail. We were lucky to have calm conditions in the marina allowing us to put on the sails in a controlled manner and without them flapping in our faces. Almost the same conditions prevailed outside in fjords. We managed a nice sail for a while, including a well-deserved “fika”, before motoring back.

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