The last legs home

We had a long and very nice summers days sailing most of the way to “The Paradise Bay” (Paradisbukta på Håøya) east of Langesund. We sailed many nice channels including the “Old Woman Fairway” (Kärringleia) NE of Langesund.

We have visited several times before and the pictures are form 20214 and 2016 respectively.

The next day was very calm, and we motored to Tallakshavn, another favourite from earlier trips, where we anchored and enjoyed a swim in tempered waterr. Next day gave us nice sailing conditions. We sailed most of the day, often maintaining reasonable speed thanks to our Code 0. We made a pit stop, to by some Norwegian specialities in the shop in the sound N of Tjome (Tjøme), before crossing the outer Oslo fjord to the Hvaler islands.

We found a new nice anchorage in Holtekilen for the night before continuing to Sweden and Stromstad (Strömstad) yesterday.

Stromstad greated us with rain after some very nice sumer days.

This concluded our long trip this year. Eva was picked up by her son with family and is now “grandma” for a few days before the go back to northern Sweden where they live.

Also included are trip to northen Sweden in 2021, to Denmark in 2022 and to FInland in 2023

We have sailed for 110 days and covered 2 860 nm since we left Sweden in late April. We have seen a lot of interesting places we did not know exited and have made new friends. We may not be so active on the blog now, as we only plan shorter trips in home waters. If you are curious about our coast, you may check out of blogs for Nov 2022 and Dec 2023

After Eva left, Hakan continued a bit south in the afternoon. A quick and nice close reach in 15-18 knots wind down to a protected anchorage (Alevikkilen inside Havstenssund) to hide from the expected days of heavy rain and strong winds.

5 reaktioner på ”The last legs home”

  1. Hei Eva og Håkan,
    Takk for fantastisk godt vennskap på strekningen Florø – Svolvær i Lofoten, og tid sammen i Sandnessjøen med familien. Kjekt å lese om deres tur videre til Shetland og Orknøyene. Håper vi treffes igjen under seil

    1. Hej!
      Tack själv. Du är alltid välkommen som IRL-besättning också om du vill.
      🙂 Håkan

  2. Det har varit fantastiskt trevligt att få följa er! Så många fina bilder och trevliga texter om er resa i år.

    1. Tack!
      Roligt att du ville följa oss.
      Vi har haft en fantastisk resa och vi koppas vi kunnat förmedla lite allt vi fått uppleva.
      🙂 Håkan

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