
Skipnes lies on the island of Tindsoy (Tindsøy). This is our third day on this lovely island without cars and roads. It is a grey day with drizzle. The plan was to continue but we had seen fog out to sea yesterday. So, we walk up to Anna, see below, to have a look and the sea was not tempting.

We arrived quite late two days ago after a long sail around Vesteralen (Vesterålen). Looking at the forecasts for the week, yesterday looked like the last “summer day” for some time. Having sailed a lot, we decided to stay and explore.

Seeing the westernmost part of the island one understands the name Tindsoy (at least if one speaks Scandinavian languages).

We took a long walk to the old trading post Tinden. It was closed and deserted. Coffee tasted good in the sun.

It was described as a 45-minute walk – it took us 75 including several stops to admire the views that were amassing.

The local beer tasted very good after out three hours excursion.

We had diner on local foods as the only guests in the restaurant in the evening. Eva had bokrafisk, a semidried cod. They dry it themselves here according to family traditions where the loins of the Skrei (the cod that comes down from the Barent sea in late winter) are dried over sea water right on the dock outside.

It is dried just enough to get a rich flavour but not so dry that it needs soaking in water before cooking as ordinary dried fish does. It is then frozen for the summer season. It tasted delicious.

A short walk up the hill took us to the statue of Anna in Vinje after dinner. She is an ancestor to Astrid who now runs Fiskevaeret Skipnes. She lived between 1827 and 1913 and was one of the many women on this coast that saw many family members lost at sea. She never gave up, but rather mustered up inner courage, and used it to ensure survival.

Today have been a relaxed day of catching up on things, a shorter walk, and giving our Vetus engine some TLC. Changing oil is so much easier with this engine as we have a permanently mounted oil change pump and the oil filter on the bulkhead with a plastic box below to catch the old filter and dripping oil.