We left the anchorage early to motor north over a flat and calm see, leaving the impressive mountains of Lofoten behind us to enter Vesteralen (Vesterålen), the next region of the Norwegian coast.

It was still calm and no tide in Sortlandsund south of the bridge. We stopped the boat and drifted over and beyond some 10 m shallows to try our luck with fishing again. At around 20 m the cod started to bite. Eva caught a large one that we lost when we tried to bring it aboard.

Shortly afterwards, we caught one each, Eva once again the largest. She has a red and black lure whereas Hakan has a “svenskepilk”, a silver lure with some squids above it. We resumed motoring happy to have dinner in the refrigerator.

We were able to sail, tacking upwind, north of the bride and most of the way up the sound. The wind died and the sea got confused as we approached the Norden part of Langoy (Langøy).

We passed out northernmost point in the afternoon after 1 265 nm and seven weeks sailing. We were, at 69°01’48 when we rounded Langenes

and headed south on the west side of Vesteralen. We are now, in principle, sailing back but we are not sailing home yet.

The scenery here is like nothing we have ever seen before.

We sit in awe just looking at the ever-changing views.

High mountains barren from sea and wind on the windward (west) side and,

lush and green on the leeward side. Some small fishing hamlets but otherwise quite deserted with the occasional house or farm near the coast.

A long day (61 nm) has taken us to Tindsoy (Tindsøy). We drink our last bottle of bubbles before dinner to celebrate our northernmost sail ever.