After a very long period of fitting out and “restoring” after the renovation work on deck and cabin rooftop and the new engine, we are now finally sailing again.

We did a “short shake-down” cruise in late July before she was finished and then continued the work. Now most (of the important) things are in place and we are enjoying a few days on the cost. We will be back in Ljungskile Thursday and Friday for a number of “must do” things, plus loading up with more stuff and putting more things back on the boat. We are leaving again on Saturday for a four week sail in Scandinavia, weather permitting (or rather good enough for us to want to sail).

Our navigations instruments are slowly giving up on us, maybe not surprising after 15 years and close to 30 000 nm. So far this year, we have lost the AIS transmitter and one repeater instrument. And, yesterday the autopilot gave up. New things have been ordered and we hope to be up and running, except for the not so necessary repeater, when we leave again on Saturday. And you will be able to follow us on Marin traffic and similar sites again.

Blir glad att ni är på gång ut på böljan den blå igen.
Hoppas att ni i kommande bloggar berättar lite hur ni tänkte vid byte av instrument.
Vår radar är inlämnad till Raymarine för reparation (via återförsäljare).
Våra instrument är troligen från 2002 så det är en tidsfråga…
Alltid intressant att höra andras tekniktänk
Lycka till , så roligt att ”få” en ny båt och önskar er en god seglingshöst! Vi tar snart upp , vi har haft 3 underbara seglingsmånader i lugnt tempo !!
We are happy to hear that you are up and running again. Must be very satisfying.
We ourself left Sweden 12th of May in our new (new for us) Malö 391. Together with Azelia we have been up to Tromsø, exploring Lofoten on the way. Now passing Jæren and Lista in NW 10-12 m/s, heading back home.
Who knows, maybe we will ”bump in” to each other this autumn.
Take care!
//Håkan och Annette