Today also started with work but, as it is Friday, we quit early. The rainy, cold and windy weather of earlier this week seems to be on hold for some time now and we were able to sail in pleasant but still chilly weather. Temperatures ashore are quite decent but, as the sea is only around 10 deg C, the wind is cold. Longjohns, hats and mittens are still in use.
The sail started with a fast open reach south with 7-8 knots under main and genoa. What a change from yesterday. But jibing to go east after Falsterbo put us dead downwind under main and genoa wing and wing with more moderate speeds.

We sailed past the southern corner of Sweden today passing two capes; Falsterbonaset, with its long and dangerous reefs is the SW corner and following that, the breakwater in Smygehuk, the southernmost point in Sweden 55 deg 20 min nortth. We decided to stay in Smygehuk for the night and went straight into a pontoon in the small and relatively shallow (2 m according to this year’s almanac) harbour. The echo sounder is showing 1,5 m (out draft is 1,8+ m ) but we seems to be moving so we think we will be OK leaving under our own steam tomorrow.

From her, it is around 850 miles to the northernmost port of Tore (Töre) at 65 deg 54 min north. The summer is probably not long enough to take us there and back home again.