The rain did finally give up late last evening. It allowed us a walk up to the 13th century church from which you have nice views. Ven is about as close to Denmark you will get in Sweden as it sits between the two countries .In the old days al of Southern Sweden was part of the kingdom of Denmark and Ven was part of the administrative district of Skana, now Swedish. These were a lot of debate over the Island when Denmark had to give up Sothern Sweden in the 17th century.

The famous astronomer Thyco Brahe was a Danish nobleman who lived on the island. King Frederick II granted Tycho an estate on the island and the funding to build Uraniborg where Thyco Brahe built large astronomical instruments and took many careful measurements. Unfortunately, it was too late for us to take a look at the museum.
We left early this morning in some rain. And, as yesterday, the forecast was wrong but, this time in our favour. The rain cleared and did not reappear. The passing to the small city of Lomma was wet anyway in strong breeze choppy seas heading us. No tacking today and a relatively quick passage averaging 5,5 knots over ground despite considerable current against us.

There will be a change of crew tonight as Eva arrives and Anders reruns home with our car. Next days will be mostly working for Eva and to some extent also Hakan. We may get some late afternoon sailing if the weather is favourable before we continue on Saturday for a few days.
The start of this season has been a complex puzzle to pies together with work, Corona vaccinations, family obligations and more. We will not be able to sail continuously until last week in June.