We had, once again, an early morning departure in order to catch favourable winds and beat the rain to the next port. We left already 5.30 am and had a glorious sail reaching into the strait of Öresund. Öresund is a narrow channel between Denmark and Sweden. Here, the current is north going almost all the time as this is one of the outlets from the Baltic. The prediction today was for around 2 knots.
We manage to avoid the current and even pick up some back eddies by hugging the Swedish shore, sailing in less than 10 m of water. An easterly at around 20 knots gave us 7-8 knots over ground. But, the current could not be avoided in the narrowest part between Helsingborg (Sweden) and Helsingor (Denmark)and further south. By now, the wind was also heading us and we gained very little on some tacks.
The island of Ven was our goal for today. It lies about 10 miles south of Helsingborg and the forecast predicted rain from around noon. As we approached we had one unexpected/unpredicted good thing and one not so good. The not so good was that the rain started already at 9.30 when we had less than an hour left to sail. The good thing was that the wind died almost completely shortly thereafter making docking a piece of cake.

Here we are, relaxing and listening to the rain. We had planned a cycle tour of the island after the rain but the way things are going, it is likely to turn into a few glasses of wine on board instead. With some luck, we will be able to walk up to the church tonight to look at the view before we go to bed.